South Africa revisited

Crossing the border from Botswana in a kind of desolate area of South Africa. We notice how things are getting colder, some morning there’s even frost on the ground when we wake up. It’s winter in South Africa. I don’t remember much of this last leg of the trip since I’ve started to feel home sick. I’ve been travelling for 4 months now and start to miss the things I have at home, my family and friends. I do remember stopping at some wineries before finally reaching Cape Town again and the fare well party we had on the last days.

We spent some days in Cape Town, doing some sight seeing, shopping and eating at restaurants, the latter was something we rarely did during our time on the road. Packed with a lot of memories of places I’ve been and people I’ve met I finally left Africa for the every day life in Sweden again. And possible new adventures somewhere else.