
The first part of this trip started at a camp site in the outskirts of Dar es-Salaam where we met the rest of the “team”. And the cars that would become my home for coming 4 months. Ronnie and Lena was the people behind 4x4expedition.se which was the travel company which arranged this trip. The journey begun with navigating the rush hour in Dar es-Salaam, then proceeding south west to Mikumi National Park where we got to see the first wild life of the trip.

From Mikumi we continued to Iringa further to the west/south west. We travelled on roads (or the lack of) through a beautiful countryside until we hit Mbeya, just a tad bit north of Lake Malawi. Somewhere around here we tried to find a crater lake in a old volcano but failed and almost got lost in the jungle instead. After that we crossed over to Malawi.


On the 12th of February 2012 I left a ice-cold Sweden (-19°) on a plane and finally land in +35° Dar es-Salaam in Tanzania. Then together with 2 of my total 10 (to be) travelling companions we proceeded to the island of Zanzibar where we had rented a house for a week. But before we went to the rented house we stayed one night in Stone Town.

It was mostly relaxing and doing some sightseeing around the island. We also went on a snorkeling/diving tour where I got to brush off my diving skills again. And visiting places such as the restaurant called The Rock. We also went swimming with dolphins, which I in hindsight regret doing because I did not really like the way the organizers kind of “chased” the dolphins around. You should respect wild life, always.

Anyway, this was the beginning of an epic adventure through 10 African countries over the course of 4½ months.